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Robotic Arm

What issyntheticconsciousness?

Whatdifferentiatesa consciousmachinefrom onethatemulatesconsciousness?

Why imbueAI systems withconsciousness?

Whyprototypein VR?

what isthe Awake(AWAK) ​ERC-20TOKEN?

What aretherisks?

How toimplementguardrails?


An ongoing study
in Conscious AI
supported by a soon to be released ERC-20 token...

It is abundantly clear by our cultural and technological ​trajectory that humanity is on course towards the development of ​conscious,

AI driven systems.


Conscious AI has the potential to be either greatly beneficial or ​catastrophically detrimental to humanity. is an ongoing technological study and soon to be released ERC-20 token that ​utilizes over two decades of neural network/robotics research and patented proprietary technology 

to explore questions such as these>>>​ is being developed to explore

critical issues surrounding Conscious Artificial Intelligence, and to guide this revolutionary technology in a decidedly pro-human direction.

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